Offering the following services:

Automation | CRM Management | Software Design | Database Management | Marketing Optimization | Facebook Ads | Google Ads | Fraud Prevention | Lead Generation | Data Extraction

"Working hard, or hardly working?" I'm hardly laughing | Employee labor leakage is real and cost employers millions annually. Approximately three hours of every eight-hour workday is wasted on unnecessary or personal tasks. This equates to 15 hours every week doing tasks that do not promote workflow efficiency.

While you can’t eliminate every timewaster, you can take steps to manage and improve workflow efficiency. With each client we carefully analyze all aspects of your business operation and look for immediate ways to perform the following:

Eliminate or reduce ALL redundant processes

Remove any processes that still includes paperwork or unnecessary filings

Implement a CRM system to enhance organization and accountability

Install employee tracking systems to create oversight and accountability

Streamline in-bound customer service requests

Install overseas workers for any redundant process that can't be automated

Examine all current vendor relationships and re-negotiate better deals

Examine all current staff and find ways to enhance efficiency

Examine current book keeping and accounting process to ensure best practices

Make landing pages for internal processes to automate redundant processes

Analyze the current lead generation | Customer acquisition strategy

1.) Analyze Your Current Processes

Before you can do anything else, we need to analyze the automation and workflow processes you already have in place. This includes seeking feedback from your employees on how procedures work as they are. The point is to determine what is and isn’t working with the way you do things now. You need to analyze your current workflow based on the different roles. This will help you determine how to optimize these procedures to work better. A series of initial meetings with key members of your team will quickly uncover the processes they hate the most about your current processes.

2.) Prioritize projects based on importance

Once you understand your current processes, you need to rank them based on their importance to your overall plans. This requires breaking down each project to schedule the different tasks necessary. The idea is to schedule each task in a project based on how important it is to complete each project. This requires the correct tools to track the projects your employees are working on. Lets figure out where your bleeding the most time and energy and fix that first. This may be ranked in order of most financial savings OR the liberation of human labor dependency.

3.) Add employee & contractor oversight tools

Working hard, or hardly working? I'm hardly laughing, employee labor leakage is real and cost employers millions annually. Installing vital tracking systems and procedures can drastically increase your ability to oversee, find, target, and eliminate those "hardly working", and find target, and compensate those you find "working hard". Compensate those working hard, eliminate those milking the company dime.

4.) Centralize company communications

By using Slack or some sort of workspace management tool your organization can streamline all company related communications. Reduce chances of improper work place behavior, off topic messaging, and other forms of unauthorized communication. Eliminate all forms of direct communication with employees and contractors. Force all company communication to occur on company channels.

4.) Fraud prevention & accounting oversight

Getting defrauded or stolen from seems to be a right of passage when running a business. If fraud or theft hasn't affected you personally yet it might be just around the corner. Identifying venerable points in your organization and installing proper oversight and fraud detection is key to risk avoidance. Risk can't entirely be avoided, but identifying weak points and installing oversight is key to reducing fraud based occurrences in your organization.

5.) Overseas workers

Overseas workers can be helpful at times, but a downright hinderance at others. Proper implementation and oversight of overseas workers is critical. Identifying the right processes inside of your organization that can be outsourced is critical to the success of the mission. Overseas works are less skilled over the phone and represent actual risk to your sales process for adding net new business in many cases. In other applications such as customer service or taking over redundant processes that cannot be automated overseas workers are the perfect solution. Overseas workers can help your organization thrive if applied and integrated correctly.

6.) Create new systems and processes

After careful evaluation of all immediate and short term business needs, new systems and processes will be developed. The ultimate goal of any new system and process is to reduce or eliminate "employee touch". When creating new systems we're looking to replace existing systems like filing paperwork, forms, manual human steps, or other outdated solutions. We're also looking to automate messaging to employees and contractors based on assigned jobs or other key events that require precise real time customized communication. Implementation of a CRM and pipeline based work flow system will provide a user friendly interface for all workers to easily track tasks and customer data. Many core business processes can be easily tracked with the interactive pipeline process. The new systems and processed developed for your business will be custom built based on your exact needs. This is not forced application of an "out of the box system".

7.) Education & Training

New systems and processes are worthless without proper implementation. Developing easily readable and understandable documentation along with hands on training is critical to full adoption of any new business process. Plan on resistance to change and be ready to be on the front lines to push any new organization change. All new systems will need to be tested, tweaked, and customized for the end user to ensure voluntary adoption. The best laid out plans sometimes are changed only a few days into implementation due to unforeseen challenges or other road blocks that were not pre-identified during the development and planning stages. People naturally resist change, with proper education and availability of procedural documents, change can and will occur, resistance is futile.

8.) Implement or expand current tracking systems for KPI's

KPI tracking is serious business. The overflow of data can be overwhelming at times. Let's explore new ways to track daily indicators inside of your business. Many times you can determine the success or failure of the day to day operations based key indicators like number of new booked appointments or new closed deals. With the use of Zapier, Slack, and other automation tools we can output these key events in real time as they occur and alert company or staff as needed. Boost employee morale by easily broadcasting messages to the team when a new deal closes or a new customer is acquired. Oversee and track your entire business day to day operations from Slack, automate employee kudos, broadcast winning to the team.

9.) Day to day oversight, long term application and use

Long term commitment to organizational change takes commitment. it's easy to allow workers to revert to old ways when left unchecked. Taking a hard stance against old ways and letting everyone know that incorporating new systems and processes is the way of the future is CRITICAL. Let people know they have a chance to be a part of the past OR a part of the future with the company. Reward those who adopt and participate, write up, warn, and ultimately let go of ANYONE who refuses to be part of solutions that are designed for company growth. The value of new systems and processes is realized every day by your business. Each day more contacts are being made, more sales are being conducted, people are getting through the system faster, and more revenue is being created.

Get your business 'Zen' back | Restore Sanity | Align focus

Focus on what matters | Stop stressing

Automation | Stop paying humans to burn energy

Stay organized | Reduce workplace clutter & chaos

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